god its bin ages, hope all is good wiv every1,
its taken ages to sort shite out,internets bin down, could'nt log on 4 some reason.
moved onto barge few weeks ago, luv it,feckin so big,its 4 bedroom all open space,
got internet sorted now, new lodger is cool, she's wigmaker on play producers in theatre in covent garden,cool girl,she works crazy hrs like me.
in shop its busy as ever, had loads of friends in 2 practice on, loads of walk ins,
sat. is busiest,dont get time 2 scratch my head.
other dan dat all is good, oh tattoo convention was good,got two machines,really cool,light 2 use.luv em.
u girls looked great @ yer stall.loads of cool stuff there 2.did'nt get 2 speak 2 any of use,was'nt long there.
catch ya later. xx
its taken ages to sort shite out,internets bin down, could'nt log on 4 some reason.
moved onto barge few weeks ago, luv it,feckin so big,its 4 bedroom all open space,
got internet sorted now, new lodger is cool, she's wigmaker on play producers in theatre in covent garden,cool girl,she works crazy hrs like me.
in shop its busy as ever, had loads of friends in 2 practice on, loads of walk ins,
sat. is busiest,dont get time 2 scratch my head.
other dan dat all is good, oh tattoo convention was good,got two machines,really cool,light 2 use.luv em.
u girls looked great @ yer stall.loads of cool stuff there 2.did'nt get 2 speak 2 any of use,was'nt long there.
catch ya later. xx

I'm comin in to the shop on tues morning with Jamie and Sam, not gonna get any more ink at the mo buut am hopefully gonna get a couple new piercings
Then on tuesday afternoon I'm off to get an arm, or a head- I haven't decided yet! Hooray for dissection class!
Catch you later babes
Nice to see you too!
Am a bit sore around the mouth- will post up a pic when the swelling goes down... will be back in the shop in a couple weeks to get the bars changed for smaller ones.
Have a good day, catch you later!