8 days til take off. April 16th... who's with us? be sure to check out the thread and let us know... I miss you all so dearly - would love to have a reunion of SG cats post-wedding.
What else is new? really the wedding is taking presidency over our lives. It's crazy these days, so much planning! Once this all settles down, we have our vacay ... I will post an epic blog of maximum proportions for you all to see. Hopefully a bunch of you will be in the pictures! *hint hint*
What else is new? really the wedding is taking presidency over our lives. It's crazy these days, so much planning! Once this all settles down, we have our vacay ... I will post an epic blog of maximum proportions for you all to see. Hopefully a bunch of you will be in the pictures! *hint hint*
But I want to see pictures