Yes Yes, Lexxie called me on my shiz. I have re-dis-connected. I seem to forget I have an account now at times.
What have 'we' been up to: (List making time)
- Dusti and I have purchased our Wedding rings and dresses. Yeah I said it... Dresses.
- Name changes are underway, we have chosen a new last name and it's totally porno.
- Our puppy turned 2 this halloween
- Speaking of Halloween, here are my costumes...
What have 'we' been up to: (List making time)
- Dusti and I have purchased our Wedding rings and dresses. Yeah I said it... Dresses.
- Name changes are underway, we have chosen a new last name and it's totally porno.
- Our puppy turned 2 this halloween
- Speaking of Halloween, here are my costumes...
Why am I not around these days?
Working hard (or hardly working), playing games (obsessed with Sims Social and SL)
What the hell are you all up to?!? GO!
What kinda dog you got?
Sim..oh sims, destroyed a good part of college for me.
Its so addictive.
Working, cleaning, reading, and watching Dexter has pretty much been the only thing on the docket here.
i keep sending you random ones just in case- and i keep hoping that i can make it to one of yours!