Why are strange middle-aged men attracted to me lately? Feeling the need to openly objectify me, or ask me stupid questions about my tattoos...
Dear douche-bag in the convenient store;
It's really great that you feel the need to talk to strange females while paying for your gas. I appreciate that you recognized the tattoo on the back of my neck as being runes. Gold star. Do you feel smart when you ramble on about your incorrect information? I know what my runes mean, and where they have derived from... I had them FUCKING TATTOOED PERMANENTLY ON ME!!! You are wrong... and I revel in the fact that you said "well that's the history I remember"... because you're a fucking idiot, and really need to research more.
Please don't talk to me again,
Dear douche-bag in the convenient store;
It's really great that you feel the need to talk to strange females while paying for your gas. I appreciate that you recognized the tattoo on the back of my neck as being runes. Gold star. Do you feel smart when you ramble on about your incorrect information? I know what my runes mean, and where they have derived from... I had them FUCKING TATTOOED PERMANENTLY ON ME!!! You are wrong... and I revel in the fact that you said "well that's the history I remember"... because you're a fucking idiot, and really need to research more.
Please don't talk to me again,
is that what you really said? 

I was running a marathon once and some ladies passed me and saw my stocking seams and asked if they meant something for the marathon. I said that they were tattoos and the lady gave me a look like "yeah, I know, you didn't answer my question." apparently she thought I was pacer due to my tattoos. riiiight.