"change comes from within"
the winds are certainly changing. Tonight, I sat and pondered after a great day of freelance. Today was awesome sauce with cool beans, everything went right, things are looking up.
The company I work with for web development ( I design, they program - perfection! and I get to work from home! ) has dangled the right carrot in front of me and I've decided to hand in a letter of resignation to 'the office'.
Over the past almost year now, this place of employment has been dicking me around, treating me like shit, making ridiculous decisions... and to top it all off, put me on work-share - which eats up all of my E.I (and never comes).
When Dusti_n and i get beck from Amsterdam I will be a full-fledged rogue freelance agent. Everything's coming up FLIT!

the winds are certainly changing. Tonight, I sat and pondered after a great day of freelance. Today was awesome sauce with cool beans, everything went right, things are looking up.
The company I work with for web development ( I design, they program - perfection! and I get to work from home! ) has dangled the right carrot in front of me and I've decided to hand in a letter of resignation to 'the office'.
Over the past almost year now, this place of employment has been dicking me around, treating me like shit, making ridiculous decisions... and to top it all off, put me on work-share - which eats up all of my E.I (and never comes).
When Dusti_n and i get beck from Amsterdam I will be a full-fledged rogue freelance agent. Everything's coming up FLIT!

just when you're in those famous amsterdam cafes....remember you have to be able to get back to your hotel room