Today is totally bogus.
I awoke to a phone being put to my ear from my creative director. Telling me that we all need to meet over Skype conference in 5 minutes!!! Memo officially missed, and a 'lovely' start off to my day. Ramming a toothbrush into my mouth, I dashed off to untangle headphone and mic wires - missing a kiss goodbye from my gorgeous fiance as she rushed off to work.
Then Loki starts fucking howling... my half awake state trying desperately to pay attention to what is being said, as well as hold myself up. Some examples were given, tasks assigned and off I go, plugging away at my projects.
A domestic breaks out on the balcony across from mine... screaming angry male is not pleasant at anytime, especially NOW! Who talks to their partner that way? I had a mind to go out shaking my fist and teach him how to talk to a lady! Concentration GONE.
Now I'm in a 'great' mood as I look over to see Bock pissing ALL OVER THE FLOOR! Jebus I'm going to put my foot up a cats ass real soon. Project pending as I mop this shit up, note: change the litter. Done.
Smoke and a break to collect my thoughts.
Oh my god I think the landlord is coming into the apartment to do something that was scheduled yesterday, I swear to god if someone comes in there... I'm going to take cat frustration out on them!!!

Today is totally bogus.
I awoke to a phone being put to my ear from my creative director. Telling me that we all need to meet over Skype conference in 5 minutes!!! Memo officially missed, and a 'lovely' start off to my day. Ramming a toothbrush into my mouth, I dashed off to untangle headphone and mic wires - missing a kiss goodbye from my gorgeous fiance as she rushed off to work.
Then Loki starts fucking howling... my half awake state trying desperately to pay attention to what is being said, as well as hold myself up. Some examples were given, tasks assigned and off I go, plugging away at my projects.
A domestic breaks out on the balcony across from mine... screaming angry male is not pleasant at anytime, especially NOW! Who talks to their partner that way? I had a mind to go out shaking my fist and teach him how to talk to a lady! Concentration GONE.
Now I'm in a 'great' mood as I look over to see Bock pissing ALL OVER THE FLOOR! Jebus I'm going to put my foot up a cats ass real soon. Project pending as I mop this shit up, note: change the litter. Done.
Smoke and a break to collect my thoughts.
Oh my god I think the landlord is coming into the apartment to do something that was scheduled yesterday, I swear to god if someone comes in there... I'm going to take cat frustration out on them!!!