0 motivation
I just can't bring myself to work on projects lately... don't get me wrong - I like money, but that's the problem, there is none coming in. Half of my time is spent on charity and being new to this contract shit... I just feel like I'm waiting.
Give me the 'good faith payment' I invoiced for and I'm more likely to jump. I'm certainly not down for 0 payment and a great deal of hard work. I cut off at a certain point. "Danger Danger!"
I am exercising though, and trying to get things back in order. We go camping next weekend with the punks. So excited, but let me tell you that bathing suit shopping is my new 'least favourite thing'. Why doesn't someone design swim-wear for dykes? Really. I want some fitted board shorts and I want them right now! Throw in a hot athletic girl tankini and you've got a customer for life! Hurly... hear my cry! Black and hot pink - with your fierce little logo step and repeat. Hint: boys don't have hips!!!!
Regardless, I will figure out a way to get my cute little ass in the water.
I just can't bring myself to work on projects lately... don't get me wrong - I like money, but that's the problem, there is none coming in. Half of my time is spent on charity and being new to this contract shit... I just feel like I'm waiting.
Give me the 'good faith payment' I invoiced for and I'm more likely to jump. I'm certainly not down for 0 payment and a great deal of hard work. I cut off at a certain point. "Danger Danger!"
I am exercising though, and trying to get things back in order. We go camping next weekend with the punks. So excited, but let me tell you that bathing suit shopping is my new 'least favourite thing'. Why doesn't someone design swim-wear for dykes? Really. I want some fitted board shorts and I want them right now! Throw in a hot athletic girl tankini and you've got a customer for life! Hurly... hear my cry! Black and hot pink - with your fierce little logo step and repeat. Hint: boys don't have hips!!!!
Regardless, I will figure out a way to get my cute little ass in the water.
it was all by accident, we just happened to be at the silver snail and it kinda went like this:
nate: hey that tank girl guy is here
me: cool! we should get something for sandi!
nate: yeah...theres a line....
me: we should get something for sandi. *drags nate back upstairs*
*like 7 people standing around*
so then i made nate hold the comic while i paid for my other stuff, then we watched him draw stuff for other people, and then we asked him to sign the comic and he's like "ok, do you want a sketch too?" we're like YES!!
he was cool. he's on here you know right? RufusD
sorry about yoga