peek... boo

staring into lucy
(Dusti named her laptop lucy ford)
wavering here like heat from a barbecue
I work at the 'dirty' store again because the hours are so good.
Which is easy and I'm good at it.
blush: (mom would be so proud.)
I also get a 40% discount, free batteries... you know perks.
on the rough side...
I work til the late
come home, frisky as all hell to a sleeping girlfriend.
(she's so fucking cute when she sleeps)
So after 10 hours on my feet last night, I got home after 1am
finally fall asleep at 4 because I can't fall asleep when I just get home.
I had to wake up and be out the door by 9 this morning
To be at the Direct Energy Center to do the CRFA show
because I couldn't fully cut the umbilical cord to the brewery.
Plus its fucking good money and fun.
now I just stare and try to hold my head up.
I should really have a nap so I can be human enough to spend time with my lovely fiance when she gets home.
Now that you're all updated that is.
sleepy, time to curl up with this. awwwwwwwwww

staring into lucy
(Dusti named her laptop lucy ford)
wavering here like heat from a barbecue
I work at the 'dirty' store again because the hours are so good.
Which is easy and I'm good at it.
blush: (mom would be so proud.)
I also get a 40% discount, free batteries... you know perks.
on the rough side...
I work til the late
come home, frisky as all hell to a sleeping girlfriend.
(she's so fucking cute when she sleeps)
So after 10 hours on my feet last night, I got home after 1am
finally fall asleep at 4 because I can't fall asleep when I just get home.
I had to wake up and be out the door by 9 this morning
To be at the Direct Energy Center to do the CRFA show
because I couldn't fully cut the umbilical cord to the brewery.
Plus its fucking good money and fun.
now I just stare and try to hold my head up.
I should really have a nap so I can be human enough to spend time with my lovely fiance when she gets home.
Now that you're all updated that is.
sleepy, time to curl up with this. awwwwwwwwww

Sleep is good - try to get some ♥