I'm so broke I'm broken...
I'm so poor I can't even pay attention
In terms of financial gain, this statement is true.
When it comes to love and support, I am one of the richest in the world.
Stumbling recently onto the path of truth within the last year...
Extracting my head from my ass if you will...
I feel blessed. (quite literally by an aboriginal shaman last night)
And I owe it all to my lady love and her commitment to YOGA.
Yoga will heal the world
In this I strongly believe.
Ever since the introduction to this lifestyle I have constantly felt a pull,
and seen changes in my own perspective of the Earth and it's inhabitants.
I see all things clearly in a new light with compassion, mindfulness and loving-kindness.
(although often I still need a push in the right direction to work on judging less
and curving my attitude toward things I just don't understand yet.)
Life is an adventure in finding solutions to end suffering
eliminating obstacles which never cease to stand in our way.
I will be embarking on a journey of practice, meditation and energy exchange.
From this day on I will no longer feel defeat... but hope.

I'm so poor I can't even pay attention
In terms of financial gain, this statement is true.
When it comes to love and support, I am one of the richest in the world.
Stumbling recently onto the path of truth within the last year...
Extracting my head from my ass if you will...
I feel blessed. (quite literally by an aboriginal shaman last night)
And I owe it all to my lady love and her commitment to YOGA.
Yoga will heal the world
In this I strongly believe.
Ever since the introduction to this lifestyle I have constantly felt a pull,
and seen changes in my own perspective of the Earth and it's inhabitants.
I see all things clearly in a new light with compassion, mindfulness and loving-kindness.
(although often I still need a push in the right direction to work on judging less
and curving my attitude toward things I just don't understand yet.)
Life is an adventure in finding solutions to end suffering
eliminating obstacles which never cease to stand in our way.
I will be embarking on a journey of practice, meditation and energy exchange.
From this day on I will no longer feel defeat... but hope.

Ooooo! Saucy you are! I am going to do one tomorrow cause I got more work on my tat today!
but have to keep the bandage on while I sleep tonight so I don't get stuck to anything!
No pics yet = no blog yet 

Aw! Does she not smoke? Well, if I come out to Toronto and hang out with you guys, I'll smoke with you and then make ridiculous vegan food in your kitchen and she can laugh at us.