blink blink it's been a rough week
the time change bit me in the ass
plus I realize now that I don't have to be at work for another 3 hours
I'm exausted, burnt out from too much work and volunteering all my excess time
but it's worth it because I did get to see my wonderful dusti off to work with a kiss this morning and I'm helping out a good cause!
in other news the imac is gone *shedding an emo tear* it had to go back to it's rightful place
and I am left with no means to take adorable pictures or make videos....
but it was fun when it lasted.
Lastly The kitten is getting on my nerves today
he is fucking insatiable when it comes to food and he is destroying the place looking for more
even though I just fed him!!!
please tell me something funny to cheer a bitch up
the time change bit me in the ass
plus I realize now that I don't have to be at work for another 3 hours
I'm exausted, burnt out from too much work and volunteering all my excess time
but it's worth it because I did get to see my wonderful dusti off to work with a kiss this morning and I'm helping out a good cause!
in other news the imac is gone *shedding an emo tear* it had to go back to it's rightful place
and I am left with no means to take adorable pictures or make videos....
but it was fun when it lasted.
Lastly The kitten is getting on my nerves today
he is fucking insatiable when it comes to food and he is destroying the place looking for more
even though I just fed him!!!
please tell me something funny to cheer a bitch up

our computers were going to be cousins!