The beautiful @tangie invited me to do this fun questionnaire:)!
1• Name: Sasha ~ Nickname: Flipside
2• Sign: Taurus
3• Favourite tv show: the amazing world of gumball 🤣 💕
4• Favourite drinks: water, raspberry juice
5• Favourite alcohólico drink: beer, vodka, whiskey
6• Favourite season: summer
7• Favourite band: tame impala, radiohead, lana del rey
8• Favourite store: mmmm I don't know
9• Favourite kind of book: GOT
10• What's a cause you are really passionate about?: twerk, modeling
11• What did You study or learn?: esthetic
12• What's that one song that is stuck in your head?: posthumous forgiveness
13• Where would You like to live?: Canada or Italy
14• Who influenced You most? My mom and my friends
15• Who is your favourite celebrity couple?: In this moment I really don't know
16• What's your most used emoji? 🤣💕🤔😅😏👀
17• What helps You relax? Read, workout
18• What topic do you think shouldn't be taboo?: homosexuality and sex
19• What's the greatest accomplishment or your life?: The modeling
20• What do you want to achieve in your life?: leave Chile
♡ I choose You to continue with the questionnaire
@arkhaam @afrodite @nymphae @mimo
@missy @rambo @sean @lyxzen