I am in a blah mood. It is weird and kind of depressing to look at all the pretty girls. I often wonder what it must be like to be wanted by so many. We can bs all we want about personality, but the truth is everyone wants to be next to the pretty person, screw all the rest of it. Blah.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Sadly, I must put all amorous pursuits on a temporary hiatus as I hea… -
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
So I am already in deep, why not write some more and really dig mysel… -
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Okay, so I asked the person that I am fixated with if she had ever he… -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2012
I wonder if this obsession is going to die down, If she ever marries … -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2012
Okay, I am still pining away for this person. The desire is getting … -
Tuesday Mar 06, 2012
Another day. More yearning but slightly more under control. -
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Okay, so here is a question I am asking myself...how bad a mistake wo… -
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Man I am so old school. Half of the technology on my page I don't ev… -
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
I am soooo bored. I want to start some trouble...preferably the sexu… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
I am currently looking for a new house and I want to put a gun to my …