Actually one of the great things about this site is that it shows the popularity and emerging acceptance of body modification. I am currently doing a study on the experiences and sensations related to certain forms of body modification. Specifically, I am looking at the reasons for and experiences of those who engage in practices that cut, puncture, or break the skin including everything from piercing to hook suspension. I have spent alot of time at the BMEzine site (awesome website). My original study used a sample of BDSM people, but I would like to collect data on people outside of the BDSM community as well. If anyone is interested, give me a holler. It is pretty cool that I get to reearch such interesting stuff. I am always interested in stuff that mixes psychology with sexuality, identity, or intense behaviors. I guess that is partially because I am a fairly passionate and intense person myself.
Your profile pic looks great.
Thanks. I had my computer genius friends figure it out. They save me from technology all the time.