I am sooo frustrated. I am angry with a certain someone for basically screwing with me and then not returning any of my texts. She plays a lot with my emotions, and I don't care for that at all. I am the kind of person who gives someone several chances to correct something wrong they have done to them but if they don't take any of those chances then I may just decide to write them off. I will always be polite and friendly to them, but I will never really let them in. The problem for me is that at times, when I am really craving women, she climbs back under my skin, and I can't get her out of my mind. She doesn't deserve to be there, but she is there anyway. I wonder if this is what it is like be being a guy and being under the influence of sexual desire and hot women. It just seems like it is hard to say "no" to a woman with a really fantastic body when you are full of raging desire. At that point they can get you to do whatever they want, possibly even if there is something major about them that you detest. Hopefully this will pass soon and I can get my mind right again (or I guess as "right" as it ever was). 

Yes, I'd say you are experiencing what guys do
Good to know I am not off track in my thinking. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I added a ton of testosterone into the situation. I think I would go insane.