Superbowl Sunday Feb. 3. I throw a party and she comes over along with a couple of her friends. There are several people over and me and my husband are the hosts, so there is no flirting throughout the day. As a matter of fact, we barely get to speak much to each other at all. But at the end of the night, as she is getting ready to leave (and after she has had a little more to drink), we share what seems like an extended hug and she purposely blows into my ear. I make some sort of quiet comment about it being a wicked sort of thing to do. Her boyfriend is then pulling her out the door because he is tired and ready to leave. When I text her the next day to comment on this series of events, she apologizes for being a little too drunk and flirtatious. This girl is going to be the death of me. She is constantly messing with my head. When she is sober and not standing near me, she acts like I barely exist (or at least that is how I feel), and then as soon as she is drunk she is flirting with me again. She admits she has a problem with being too flirtatious and that it sometimes gets people hurt. She also says that because her boyfriend says we can't do anything together that it can't happen. But every time she is drunk that is not the signals she is putting out. So, I told her that I don't see us being able to hold out forever. She says that I am a pessimist. That may be, but I think I am more of a realist. Take one girl who who is bisexual and likes to drink and flirt, add another girl who is interested in said girl and put them around each other a lot. What do you think is going to happen? I don't want anyone to get hurt, but temptation is a bitch. So, we have opposing ideas as to what is going to happen. I told her that if my scenario wins out, she must say the words to me, "you win, you were right". I am going to make her whisper that bitch seductively in my ear too! I am not usually one to rub it in when I am right and someone else is wrong, but she is so sure, to the point of cockiness, that I am just being pessimistic, that she needs to learn her lesson. Sometimes others might know a little more than she does. You would think she would hedge her bet since she already jumped me once after he already said "no". So now we are going to find out who can truly see five steps down the road.