SEE! I told you this would happen! Last night we both got drunk, and she climbed on top of me while her boyfriend was in the other room! What was I supposed to do? I want this girl so badly, and now she has confirmed my suspicions that she wants me too. I think this is going to get really dangerous. She actually asked both her boyfriend and my husband if it would be okay if we made out, and my husband gave her the green light (kind of surprised me) but her boyfriend said "no". I don't think that quite entirely stopped this from happening. We were definitely held back by the idea that at any minute one of the guys could walk back there (that doesn't make it more exciting for me, it makes it way more distracting), but I get this feeling that it is just a matter of time. She has practically married into the family, so it is not like we are not going to see each other again. We will be around each other all of the time, so it is constant temptation, Oh, and side note, this girl likes to get drunk a lot. so that doesn't help on restraining things. It was pretty funny, one minute she is painting my toenails ( she was determined to do this despite my protestations) and telling me how beautiful she thinks I am but that we can never do stuff together because we are "sisters", and then less than two hours later we are in bed together. Huh, figure that out. I told you this was headed for trouble. Oh, second side note, her body is even more amazing than I thought it was. It is ridiculous! That is not helping me be good. I'm doomed. 

Sounds really complicated.
I couldn't say "No" to pretty girls on top of me either....
But I don't have that problem to deal with. *le sigh* haha