Well, it is almost time to spend quality time with the family, and that means at some point I will be sitting across from an almost family member that I have a crush on while trying to act completely normal. Fortunately for me, I am really good at doing that. I used to do it all the time with students I was interested in (I used to be a professor). I am so shy that I am supremely good at suppressing my feelings and acting as if my interest in someone is completely platonic. Come to think of it, I don't know if this is a good thing, because people never know I am interested in them, but that is the way it is. I guess it really is a good thing though in this case since this person could eventually marry into the family and that could make all of this very awkward. It is kind of a bummer that I have an ability to lust after a person for long periods of time though because she may not be going anywhere anytime soon. I have had a crush on my pain doctor for over six years.
Now imagine the temptation dangling in front of me of a hot bisexual, marrying into the family, and being around all the time. Oh, wait, did I mention that she likes to flirt? Yeah, this seems like trouble. Merry Christmas!