I wonder if this obsession is going to die down, If she ever marries into the family, we will be spending even more time around each other. I can only hold my tongue and behave for so long. I know I am going to do something stupid. It is just a matter of time. I can feel it. I can probably hold out for quite awhile though. I am pretty insecure so I tend not to make the first move unless I am completely hammered (and that almost never happens), and on top of that I love to play mind games, so I can go for quite awhile before moving things along. The waiting game always makes things better...although it also makes things WAY more painful.
The strange thing is that I am really fixated on her huge breasts. I have pretty big breasts myself, so I have never really been into breasts, but for some reason I am totally fixated on hers. I want to get my hands, mouth, and just about every other part of my body on them. I want to see her huge breasts rise and fall as she starts to have an orgasm. I want to rub my nipples across hers while I push my tongue into her mouth and kiss her deeply for hours. I want to get inside this girl's body and mind and make her scream and moan. It is driving me a little bit crazy (but in a good way). Was that too graphic? I feel like it was. I feel like the devil is sitting on my shoulder. I sooooo hope she never stumbles on this. I will never be able to look her in the eye again. 

Wow, I doubt Rosemary Rogers could have expressed it better!! I suspect Sigmund Freud, or Carl Jung might have some theories on your fantasies, sibling rivalries and such...However in my experience, which is fairly extensive, all women are at a minimum Bi, or Bi-Curious. So, you probably have a pretty good chance of making your fantasy a reality, under the right circumstance. Good luck with that, and PLEASE share the details!!

Gee, thanks for the compliment. I was actually holding back a bit and trying not to be too graphic. Could you imagine how awkward the holidays would be if she stumbled upon this blog and I had written out in exact detail every little perverted thing I wanted to do to her? Who knows, I might still do it anyway. Sometimes I just don't have adequate self control.
If we hook up I probably will share (that seems to be my nature), but it may not be for awhile because like I said, I am an absolute chicken about making the first move. Once I do though I am all in. I have about a thousand fantasies dancing around in my head right now. I feel like I am about to explode. This girl better watch her back...and front for that matter.