Okay, I am still pining away for this person. The desire is getting worse. I go through these bouts where I am intensely aroused and I fantasize about her incessantly. Just the sound of her voice drives me crazy. It doesn't help my case that she is bisexual because that increases my chances of success. If she is even remotely attracted to me and doesn't have better willpower than myself this could be a real problem. I want her soooo badly. It is tearing me up inside, I feel like my insides are churning. It is physically painful. The only thing saving me right now is that I am painfully shy and insecure so I never make the first move. However, if I get really drunk that might change. I rarely drink, but when I do I tend to get a whole lot friendlier. Oooo, the things that I want to do to this girl. It is killing me. The agony of it all kind of makes me laugh at the same time though. 

I understand that this could turn into a very sticky situation, but... let me tell you that the whole things sounds soo hot 

It feels really hot too. Actually I feel like I am on fire inside. She has a ridiculously hot, tight body with huge breasts (not real, but I have no problem with that). On top of that she is very smart and very kind and loves to flirt. How on earth am I supposed to behave myself? I am only human. If she knew the thoughts I was having about her she would probably stay at least 5 feet away from me.