Oooo. I am getting older but I can't stop loving the beautiful girls of this website. Cheers to them! I think I should find something to do that better matches my age, but I am so immature that I have no idea what that is. 

I think it is definitely true that their enthusiasm can be contagious. I was a college professor for awhile before my brain injury, and I can tell you firsthand that it is inspiring to be around young people. They have so much energy and optimism. I don't have the heart to tell them none of it will work out in the end...hahahahahaha :-)
Aaaaarrrgg! I am on adderall right now and I feel soooo far away from sleep. Like I needed that. I have so much trouble sleeping to begin with. But I do get more done while on adderall and I can work out like a beast while on it. Sometimes I worry that the heart is not supposed to beat quite that fast. So, anyway, I am quietly roaming around my apartment trying not to wake up my husband but find something productive to do. Blah!