Okay, as usual I finally got that certain someone to respond to me by sending her a text that sounded angry. That seems to be the only way to get her to do something. She told me that she had been sick, was having a hard time keeping her life and work together, and that I was stressing her out. I am not going to...
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Ok, so the person who has been "irritating" me has informed me that she has been cold-shouldering me because she feels "awkward" about our past "behavior". Yeah, I know that was a lot of quotations. She feels weird about the intimacy and also guilty because she was told on a previous occasion she wasn't approved to do it. I seriously wonder if I have some...
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Okay just a strange side note with personal information that absolutely no one needs to know. I had the strangest orgasm early this morning. I was "servicing myself" because it was super early and I didn't want to bother my husband. So I was trying to be really quiet. I had my eyes shut tight and when I came it felt like I was riding fluid waves deeper and deeper into multiple dark dimensions in my mind. It was so weird. Normally my orgasms are more like missiles exploding. What a change! 

I am sooo frustrated. I am angry with a certain someone for basically screwing with me and then not returning any of my texts. She plays a lot with my emotions, and I don't care for that at all. I am the kind of person who gives someone several chances to correct something wrong they have done to them but if they don't take any...
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Yes, I'd say you are experiencing what guys do
Good to know I am not off track in my thinking. I can't even imagine what it would be like if I added a ton of testosterone into the situation. I think I would go insane. 

Okay, on July 6 we messed around again. It was prefaced by her constantly teasing and torturing me at her fourth of July party. I would be doing something and turn around and she would be right there in front of me and would say something like " I so want to kiss you right now but I can't". Then she would linger really closely...
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Hahahaha bitches, I got her! I knew it would happen! Let me just preface this by first saying that I wasn't going to actively encourage it, but I will admit but that I am too weak to discourage it either. On Saturday, while she was drunk she wanted to snuggle together with just our underwear on. This does seem like a bad idea, but I...
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Wait, this is an epic blog post!!! As a taken woman, if you don't want to be tempted you don't allow temptation anywhere near your life. On the other hand.... then you have this... which is awesome! 

Gee, thanks for the awesome comment. I am so sorry I didn't comment back. I am not very good at this computer stuff and half of this website confuses me.
I am starting to get that feeling again. For about a month or so I have been feeling relatively peaceful (i.e. not too aroused), but now I am getting that sense of mischief that begins to arise whenever I crave female attention. I think I will be alright as long as a certain someone does not decide to get drunk and flirt with me. I...
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Superbowl Sunday Feb. 3. I throw a party and she comes over along with a couple of her friends. There are several people over and me and my husband are the hosts, so there is no flirting throughout the day. As a matter of fact, we barely get to speak much to each other at all. But at the end of the night, as she...
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SEE! I told you this would happen! Last night we both got drunk, and she climbed on top of me while her boyfriend was in the other room! What was I supposed to do? I want this girl so badly, and now she has confirmed my suspicions that she wants me too. I think this is going to get really dangerous. She actually asked both...
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Sounds really complicated.
I couldn't say "No" to pretty girls on top of me either....
But I don't have that problem to deal with. *le sigh* haha
Sounds really complicated.
I couldn't say "No" to pretty girls on top of me either....
But I don't have that problem to deal with. *le sigh* haha
I rarely have this problem either. I don't usually have girls jumping on top of me. To make things worse, I have been lusting after this girl for almost a year, so it made it really unlikely that I was going to say "no" if she propositioned me while I was drunk. That is just too many tempting things working against me. 

Well, it is almost time to spend quality time with the family, and that means at some point I will be sitting across from an almost family member that I have a crush on while trying to act completely normal. Fortunately for me, I am really good at doing that. I used to do it all the time with students I was interested in (I...
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Okay, okay. Now that my hormones have calmed down or whatever makes me so crazy, I am a little bit more sane....or a lot more, and I realize that I better change up those previous blogs and disguise them to prevent potential chaos in my life should certain someones cross my page. I don't know what happens, but at certain times it just seems like...
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Passion adds tender to our fiery emotions
Sadly, I must put all amorous pursuits on a temporary hiatus as I heal up from a scooter injury.
I hit a patch of wet moss, laid down my scooter, and jacked up my knee pretty badly. What perfect timing...right before I need to start to doing Christmas shopping. My mom is going to freak. She already thinks the thing is a deathtrap. I will...
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that really sux,at least your okay tho
So I am already in deep, why not write some more and really dig myself into a hole in case the person I am dreaming about stumbles onto this site. This is kind of weird though because I am trying to quietly write this with my husband standing less than 10 feet away completely unaware of what I am up to. First of all, as...
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