Ok. This is from one of my games i play online...feedback would be -greatly- appreciated.
As the story unfolds, you can read more here. enjoy!
(OOC: this thread is closed and invite only, please PM or contact me before posting. thank you. )
Somewhere in the distance, water drips incessantly. The echo resonates in the silence of the cold, damp, darkness. A figure huddles on the rock-strewn floor, tattered rags pulled to it in a protectiveness seen only in the fetal position of babes. Its breathing rises and falls almost imperceptiblyconsciousness is but a fingers width away.
It opens its eyes.
[color=gold]I cannot see[/color]
This first impression sears into life. The Thing begins to huddle low, rolling slowly from its fetal position into a predatory crouch, that of some wild thing, hunting for something. The sleeves of its ill fitted robe drag on the floor, covering its hands, as bone and sinew crack into place as they begin to re-knit from years of deterioration.
The thing lifts its head, still cowled and deep-set in shadow, and appears to sniff the air: moldmildewdecaysomething dead somewherecomforting scents in this unfamiliar darkness. The Thing has never been without sight. It decides that this is but one more test from The Master.
[color=gold]oklets see if we can stand[/color]
As the form begins to unfurl into a standing position, Its mind swims and it collapses in a heap. Images flash before its minds eye:
The psyche that has been forming for the last few moments shatters in an instant. Spittle and other foul ichor begins to stream from the hood of the now hunched form.
Its shoulders begin to shudder as a dark giggle begins to escape the form.
The gibbering Thing begins to form a reality in which to exist.
Even if it is only in Its mind.here

As the story unfolds, you can read more here. enjoy!
(OOC: this thread is closed and invite only, please PM or contact me before posting. thank you. )
Somewhere in the distance, water drips incessantly. The echo resonates in the silence of the cold, damp, darkness. A figure huddles on the rock-strewn floor, tattered rags pulled to it in a protectiveness seen only in the fetal position of babes. Its breathing rises and falls almost imperceptiblyconsciousness is but a fingers width away.
It opens its eyes.
[color=gold]I cannot see[/color]
This first impression sears into life. The Thing begins to huddle low, rolling slowly from its fetal position into a predatory crouch, that of some wild thing, hunting for something. The sleeves of its ill fitted robe drag on the floor, covering its hands, as bone and sinew crack into place as they begin to re-knit from years of deterioration.
The thing lifts its head, still cowled and deep-set in shadow, and appears to sniff the air: moldmildewdecaysomething dead somewherecomforting scents in this unfamiliar darkness. The Thing has never been without sight. It decides that this is but one more test from The Master.
[color=gold]oklets see if we can stand[/color]
As the form begins to unfurl into a standing position, Its mind swims and it collapses in a heap. Images flash before its minds eye:

The psyche that has been forming for the last few moments shatters in an instant. Spittle and other foul ichor begins to stream from the hood of the now hunched form.
Its shoulders begin to shudder as a dark giggle begins to escape the form.
The gibbering Thing begins to form a reality in which to exist.
Even if it is only in Its mind.here