sorry i havent updated in awhile. i recently got my liscense suspended for a month so i feel like im 15 again asking my mom n friends for a ride anywhere! the damn cop lied to me n told me if i paid the speeding ticket i wouldnt get any points, but what do ya know, the fucker lied. it blows, but oh well. saves me gas money.
is anyone going to the suicide girl burlesque show at the otto bar in june? let me know cuz glorybox n i are going.
is anyone going to the suicide girl burlesque show at the otto bar in june? let me know cuz glorybox n i are going.
Where are youse, anyway? Update!

sup girl?...that sux about your license being suspended.
Hey at least its summer time and hoofing it everywhere on a nice summer day can't be that bad, can it? ok maybe it does, just trying to look on the bright side.