I'm a parasite, there is nothing original about me, i only build on the ideas of others and attempt to prefect them. however the ideas that i do have usually work out perfectly if allowed. i play pool well, i'm obsessive compulsive, i'm reactionary, i have violent tendencies, i'm sometimes irrational, i'm slef centered, i dont understand how people dont see things my way when it's so painfully obvious to me, i was raised for a long time with no male influence but instead 3 women, and my mom was trying to go to school and the other 2 did't like me, i eventually had a step-father who taught me sports, collecting, a professional attitude for work ethic, how to take a beating, how to give one, (we never faught) and then later how to treat and ignore people you dont like...he's a jock. i get scared when people get to close to me or touch me, i'm very high strug, serious, and uptight, no one understands me when i joke around, i've taught myself how to talk to girls, how to fix things, how to clean, how to cook, i've develped my own style that doens't seem to suit me, i've developed my own demener, i've made tons on mistakes, repeated some of the worst ones, complained way to much, worked to hard to be liked and understood, givin the wrong people to much credit and the right ones not enough, i've held back my emotions, i only stand up for myself at the wrong time, i'm resetfull, working off regret, trying to find things i enjoy doing trying to be positve and live from the ID.......
i'm going to collage to be a math professor
