oh me oh my, for anyone that read Nehalem's journal about 'FUCK!! VALENTINES DAY IS RUINED" please disreguard......i spoke to her, and then she payed me $20 to escort her to birmingham so she could be with her one and only, i just got home, i thought about hanging out in the Ham for a while...but i just came home instead. I did however get the fantastic chance to listen to the all 80's station out of birmingham, and cuts out around cull man.....rule.....
anyone doing anything special tomorrow? i'm not, i might go see a movie or something.....no dates, i have no signifigant other(s) i do however....have Final Fantasy X
i'm almost done.....
"Lets spend the night together"
anyone doing anything special tomorrow? i'm not, i might go see a movie or something.....no dates, i have no signifigant other(s) i do however....have Final Fantasy X

i'm almost done.....
"Lets spend the night together"

I need to get a ps2 for FFX and X2. Would like to play VII again too. You going to get XI. I came close to picking it up today. Looks good, but I am waiting for The Matrix Online.