There are way too many Ashley Judd movies on tonite
Alabama Jihad played in Atlanta last night....wait, back up.....this past week Huntsville had some of the best possible kind of guest it could have, Milwaukeeians....we have a plethera of friends form up Wisconsin area, and we love them all....and about 15 of them were in town this week, we all partied, smiled, puked, partied some more, and had a good ol time, saturday all of us went to the ATL for out show, the show got cancelled, and moved, and oddly enough, we ended up letting 2 bands that were with us play, and the only people in the crowd were out out of town the end of the show we thanked the city of Milwaukee and we were glad to be back....we did't get paid, we stood in the rain, and we had a good show.
a freind of mine recently gave me this book to read that i really like. it's called "the perks of being a wallflower" i have never heard of it, nor have i heard of the author, whose name escapes me at the moment, but anyway, i've told some other friends about it and they act like i'm silly for not having read it years ago or somthing.......i've always been behind on the trends......but usually i was just to i really felt like i missed something, i wish i had read this when i was in high school
i've also decided that i'm not going to compare my band to any band of the past or present every again, it discredits us. i know it's all been done before, right? wrong. it sucks that people always have to find a band or type of music in the past to compare new stuff to, sometimes it's dead on, but sometimes, just case a band has a moog, they're trying to be like Devo....fuck that....i think thats going to be a sticker.....
Alabama Jihad-We're not DEVO!!
i love devo, but we also sound nothing like them......nor do i think we sound anything like the new new wave bands taking over the north west, this is authentic southern synth rock right here dingus....the first....and i can say that would all the goddamn confidence in the world.....
Alabama Jihad played in Atlanta last night....wait, back up.....this past week Huntsville had some of the best possible kind of guest it could have, Milwaukeeians....we have a plethera of friends form up Wisconsin area, and we love them all....and about 15 of them were in town this week, we all partied, smiled, puked, partied some more, and had a good ol time, saturday all of us went to the ATL for out show, the show got cancelled, and moved, and oddly enough, we ended up letting 2 bands that were with us play, and the only people in the crowd were out out of town the end of the show we thanked the city of Milwaukee and we were glad to be back....we did't get paid, we stood in the rain, and we had a good show.
a freind of mine recently gave me this book to read that i really like. it's called "the perks of being a wallflower" i have never heard of it, nor have i heard of the author, whose name escapes me at the moment, but anyway, i've told some other friends about it and they act like i'm silly for not having read it years ago or somthing.......i've always been behind on the trends......but usually i was just to i really felt like i missed something, i wish i had read this when i was in high school
i've also decided that i'm not going to compare my band to any band of the past or present every again, it discredits us. i know it's all been done before, right? wrong. it sucks that people always have to find a band or type of music in the past to compare new stuff to, sometimes it's dead on, but sometimes, just case a band has a moog, they're trying to be like Devo....fuck that....i think thats going to be a sticker.....
Alabama Jihad-We're not DEVO!!
i love devo, but we also sound nothing like them......nor do i think we sound anything like the new new wave bands taking over the north west, this is authentic southern synth rock right here dingus....the first....and i can say that would all the goddamn confidence in the world.....

goodlordy has already taken care of it