due to events not spoken, ive deleted this entry....

Hmmm, crazy broads, I think its time to quit fucking with things that didn't work out in the first place. Try and meet somebody outside your circle of friends and not through somebody you know. Thats my advice, although I'm not sure if it was wanted or not. My new approach to meeting someone is to convince myself I don't need anyone. Somebody always seems to show up in my life when I least expect it or need it. So maybe I can trick fate into bringing somebody to me soon. Anyhow, glad your shows went well this weekend. I would make it out to your show at the end of the month but I'll be out of town. Oh well, maybe next time. I hope Big Fish was good.

eehh...for your sake I hope all the girls in H aren't vindictive and psycho...for they sure are in Birmingham...doh..wait...