today is my daughter's birth day. three years old. crazy. she had a really good time. we rented a shelter in a park and cooked hotdogs and hamburgers. resident_psycho brought her awesome daughter and her man. the overall turnout was pretty good. 4-5 kids from daycare and a few friends and family. girl got some loot! man, i haven't even cycled out her old toys and now she has a bunch of new stuff. i bought her a trainer drum kit.
i didn't realize how loud it is. whoops.
i didn't realize how loud it is. whoops.
My daughter likes Dora and Blue and some other stupid shit, but we don't let her have their toys or anything like that because we don't want her to associate everything she sees with a cartoon character.
It sounds like a fun party. My daughter just had her 3rd birthday too. We did a joint party for my son too (their birthdays are 6 days apart, it was his first), it was a prince and princess party.