While I think that glasses are sooo damn sexy on girls, I opt for wearing contacts myself. Its one of the things to try and hide some of my Nerd genes. However, these things can be a real pain in the ass, err, eyes rather. I have to set up an event tonight for the Asian Chamber of Commerce. They are hosting a fashion show, and I am also in charge of operating the spot light. It is a big deal to me, cause its a good opportunity to network with people in the photography biz. The salesman, Greg, is even advertising my skills. But this morning a wake up with aching eyes and can hardly open them up. I put on some sunglasses to help relieve some strain, but still manage to look like a drunk monkey driving to work. It doesn't look like they are going to heal in time for tonight. So I'm on lunch here at Party Props and venting.
Hi. I am the world's first BLIND photographer - lmao
No shit though, that reminds me. There really is a blind painter who is pretty kick ass with still life. Google it or find the video on You Tube, --->seriously.

No shit though, that reminds me. There really is a blind painter who is pretty kick ass with still life. Google it or find the video on You Tube, --->seriously.

awe I hope your eyes clear up some before tonight! Sounds like it will be great fun!
yeah I opt to wearing my contacts more often than my glasses too.. I find them much less of hassle and then certain guys complain that I never wear my glasses... hahah... hope your eyes get better before tonight!