blah blah blah
exciting things: my derby team FINALLY got a warehouse we can set our track up in! we move in next weekend and can start skating on our track monday... it's been a long time coming...
other derby news: my team is skating an exhibition bout in mcalaster of all places april 18. it will be the first bout for a lot of our girls, me included, and, even though it's flat track b/c we can't move our track so soon after setting up in so long, it will still be awesome!
job: as always it's busy times at the doggie daycare, we all survived spring break, but we're an employee less for it. it's so frustrating to try and manage a business when you can't get decent help...
dogs: for christmas, i got boy something he's always wanted: a wirehaired doxie... brings us up to 5 dogs, now, but since he's so small comparitively, it doesn't really matter
i'm sending the latest foundling on trial adoption monday- he's the cutest little shepherd/pyr mix and it will be so hard giving him up! some of the fosters i'm ready to send off, but this one has managed to make himself fit in so well in our pack!
life: this is one not for the blogs, me thinks...
exciting things: my derby team FINALLY got a warehouse we can set our track up in! we move in next weekend and can start skating on our track monday... it's been a long time coming...
other derby news: my team is skating an exhibition bout in mcalaster of all places april 18. it will be the first bout for a lot of our girls, me included, and, even though it's flat track b/c we can't move our track so soon after setting up in so long, it will still be awesome!
job: as always it's busy times at the doggie daycare, we all survived spring break, but we're an employee less for it. it's so frustrating to try and manage a business when you can't get decent help...
dogs: for christmas, i got boy something he's always wanted: a wirehaired doxie... brings us up to 5 dogs, now, but since he's so small comparitively, it doesn't really matter

life: this is one not for the blogs, me thinks...