Thank you so much everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I couldnt even begin to attempt to thank you all personally, but it made me smile so much all day, so thank you all! I had an ace weekend with the boy, seeing my parents friday day and a friend of mine who's going travelling in the evening. Saturday consisted of hanging out in Kingston shopping (though not buying anything) and then going to the pub in the evening with Ciel and Josh, Dotty and DeadOne, missredcherry and her man, Nick and Fran, and my old friend Stacey and her friend Jen. Stacey the sneaky so and so has gone and got herself an AMAZING tattoo started, with an art nouveau style lady, the artist's name escapes me...but it is so beautiful. Can't help but feel though, that at almost 400 for a smallish forearm tattoo she is being ripped off though
But after much drinking, I didn't feel too drunk, had zero hangover and headed off to Virginia Water Lake on Sunday for a walk and a barbeque with friends. Then we went to see Sin City, again
SO AWESOME. It was a great weekend. Woo to those of you I saw, BOO to those who didn't come, but I forgive you!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Pictures! First the one Jamie drew me, and ones courtesy of Ciel!
Check this guy out, Julian Beever. His street art is amazing!!
The site.

But after much drinking, I didn't feel too drunk, had zero hangover and headed off to Virginia Water Lake on Sunday for a walk and a barbeque with friends. Then we went to see Sin City, again

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Pictures! First the one Jamie drew me, and ones courtesy of Ciel!

Check this guy out, Julian Beever. His street art is amazing!!

The site.
[Edited on Jun 19, 2005 5:18PM]