Great for clearing the nose. Wish I had me some, I have a stinking cold and feel like shite.
Anway, I thought it about time for an update and a half after my extended weekend of partyage.
It was Jamietime again this weekend, and he came down on the Friday, at the usual time, despite having been off all day, the git. In typical boy fashion he left the getting ready till 10 minutes before he had to leave the house, before discovering his portfolio was nowhere to be found. Never mind eh.
Saturday night was SGUK time. It was a good laugh to see everyone, except Doplex, who smells, and Creamy had been replaced with Dolph Lundgren, but, still a good night. My favourite photo is this one.

Because I look like a mong.
Sunday was all about the chilling, though we were supposed to be seeing my friend Gemma for DVDs and crumble. Sadly, her granny died last week and she had to spend the day with her Mum instead, but never mind.
I had to go to work on Monday, leaving the boy at mine to do some work (read, playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City) with maps of how to get to town and the station, but somehow there wasn't enough time in the day to do much in between Tommy Vercetti and pin-up drawings!
Tuesday went similimilarly, for me at least, while the boy went to meet up with AlwaysBeingBlue in town and they went comic shopping. My whole office (5 people) crowded to the windows to see Jamie when he arrived with ABB to pick me up. They wanted to see if his head was indeed shaped like a potato and his ear like a monkey elf's, but his clever disguise worked quite well. After a tasty meal at Pizza Express (new menu!

After a few dashes across tube and train stations we 3 made it home to a perfectly Jamie-tidied flat, and went to sleep far too late and as a result I now have this lovely snot-filled nose. I hope ABB found the sofabed ok, and the breakfast nice enough! I love having guests round, but I rarely do.
So my cute boy went home yesterday morning, which means I only have today then I see him again! Yeeaaaay! We're going to get a proper table for his work this weekend. I hope my cold fucks off!
Have a goodun y'all!
Vote vote vote! there's still time in Pope Idol!

But yeah, it's not like we have any other plans this weekend.