My weekend in brief. Well, it probably won't be that brief, but it certainly could be shorter. For some reason, I am finding it a struggle to do journal updates recently, but bear with me, this hideous lack of motivation should pass soon.
Friday night I came home from work and dashed off up to Cheltenham to see the UK SG's dancing and burlesquing. Was lovely to see the Girls (Caz, Tilly, Nic, Nadine, and Vicky) and some other cool folks, like neonkick, demetrius_z, MetaTag, and of course TheNonStopDancer and Traumatron. Sadly it's a long way home so McK and I didn't see the end. And despite the feeling that McK was slightly sad that we had to leave, he still didn't manage to stay fully compus mentis all the way, leaving me to sing loudly to myself to try and stay awake. Rubbish. But I enjoyed seeing everyone, the show was great, and I got dressed up all girly-like in high heels and curled hair. Wooo!
Saturday consisted of a long lie-in, followed by making my boy a cooked breakfast, then some cleaning while he played Hitman 2 and we generally just bummed about a lot. I can't even remember what we did, it was that exciting. Oh, and I shaved his head!
Sunday we had a lazy morning, then went to see my folks, and I thought he did a very good job of impressing the parents. They liked hima lot too!
We got fed a large amount of nice food, and Jamie finally got on with some work.
Then yesterday I took the day off and afetr I gave him his card, and his present (white maltesers) I made him another awesome cooked breakfast (I'm so domesticated) and we went off to Kingston to have a quick look around the shops and we went to see Creep. I thought it was good, really creepy, which is exactly the point I guess, and it was extra scary because I've recently been playing silent Hill, which is partly set in a creepy hospital.The experience was slightly marred by a group of 15ish year old boys, who'd obviously paid to see another film and snuck in. They kept making annoying loud statements to try and be funny (they failed) and showing off to their friends. But all in all, I enjoyed it. Bollocks to all that Valentine's mushy nonsense. Give me a good horror film any time!
Then I cooked us spaghetti Bolognese and home made apple crumble. I'm very very sad the boy is on his way home right now, and we're not seeing each other next weekend. Wah wah wah 

ButI have been promised a proper piece of art and a meal at our favourite restaurant to make up for no card or Valentine's pressies!
I do think it's a load of crap though. I told him not to buy me a card, what a waste of money. I'd rather wait and get something special. I was just happy to spend it with my baby.
Hope all youse guys had a good one, whatever y'all did.
Friday night I came home from work and dashed off up to Cheltenham to see the UK SG's dancing and burlesquing. Was lovely to see the Girls (Caz, Tilly, Nic, Nadine, and Vicky) and some other cool folks, like neonkick, demetrius_z, MetaTag, and of course TheNonStopDancer and Traumatron. Sadly it's a long way home so McK and I didn't see the end. And despite the feeling that McK was slightly sad that we had to leave, he still didn't manage to stay fully compus mentis all the way, leaving me to sing loudly to myself to try and stay awake. Rubbish. But I enjoyed seeing everyone, the show was great, and I got dressed up all girly-like in high heels and curled hair. Wooo!
Saturday consisted of a long lie-in, followed by making my boy a cooked breakfast, then some cleaning while he played Hitman 2 and we generally just bummed about a lot. I can't even remember what we did, it was that exciting. Oh, and I shaved his head!

Sunday we had a lazy morning, then went to see my folks, and I thought he did a very good job of impressing the parents. They liked hima lot too!

Then yesterday I took the day off and afetr I gave him his card, and his present (white maltesers) I made him another awesome cooked breakfast (I'm so domesticated) and we went off to Kingston to have a quick look around the shops and we went to see Creep. I thought it was good, really creepy, which is exactly the point I guess, and it was extra scary because I've recently been playing silent Hill, which is partly set in a creepy hospital.The experience was slightly marred by a group of 15ish year old boys, who'd obviously paid to see another film and snuck in. They kept making annoying loud statements to try and be funny (they failed) and showing off to their friends. But all in all, I enjoyed it. Bollocks to all that Valentine's mushy nonsense. Give me a good horror film any time!

ButI have been promised a proper piece of art and a meal at our favourite restaurant to make up for no card or Valentine's pressies!

Hope all youse guys had a good one, whatever y'all did.

Glad stuff is going well!
We need to catch up soon, maybe plan something for late March, give us time to save? We must RAVE!