Yesterday as I was walking home, I saw a kitty get run over right in front of me. He ran out under the wheel;s of a car, and the poor woman driving couldn't stop in time. The wheels went right over him and he got up and leaped and jerked over to the other side and lay down and died. It was awful 

At least it was over quickly I guess ratheer than being crushed and dying in pain. But it was still really really sad. I hope the lady is ok, I'd have been distraught
In other news, I have a really fun weekend planned. More on this later. I forgot my lunch in my rush this morning, but it's ok, I'm too excited to eat. My belly feels weird. I don't want to be here. Roll on 4.00!
Have a good one guys

At least it was over quickly I guess ratheer than being crushed and dying in pain. But it was still really really sad. I hope the lady is ok, I'd have been distraught

In other news, I have a really fun weekend planned. More on this later. I forgot my lunch in my rush this morning, but it's ok, I'm too excited to eat. My belly feels weird. I don't want to be here. Roll on 4.00!
Have a good one guys

Oh yeah? What am I having for breakfast?
Guessing is not the same as knowing! You lied!