Am I the only person who couldn't really give a crap about the American Election?
Bush and Kerry are both two sides of the same coin. They are both members of an elite secret society known as the Order of Skull and Bones, stemming back from their days at Yale. There are less than 1000 "Bonesmen", and they are made up of the most powerful men in the world, with the ability to influence and manipulate world affairs. Here is a quote.
"Since both Bush and Kerry, as sworn Bonesmen, are privy to its rituals, inner workings, and secret objective, it would seem to make little difference in both domestic and foreign policies of the United States which man wins the November 2004 election. This gives us little choice.
Bonesmen believe that the United States should be the first among the "equals" in the New World order. To achieve this, the Order believes in "constructive chaos." And what is constructive chaos? It is simply keeping true intentions secret by constantly sending out mixed signals on all critical policy issues, and keeping sacrosanct their self-created vision of New World warriors. Both Bush and Kerry appear to be victims of this self-aggrandized thinking.
This pretentious elitism and dangerous arrogance is rare in most men. But it is all the more troubling when found in two men who are both vying for the most powerful leadership position in the world
Bonesmen are mostly born to privilege, bred on visions of intellectual superiority, educated in worldly matters, and trained to give orders, not take them. It follows, then, that these men should be the epitome of nationalistic pride. Unless, of course, they have other ideas. Such as keeping their actions secret, using power to achieve ulterior ends, and putting the Skull and Bones oath above allegiance to their country.
And most disturbing of all, the sole purpose of the Skull and Bones Order is to perpetuate power. To maintain and increase this power, politically ambitious Bonesmen strive to put fellow Bonesmen in key positions of influence, to help build the New World organization that is their primary goal.
Recent actions and decisions of President Bush, if carefully scrutinized, tend to bear this out. And there is little reason to believe that John Kerry, as president, would not follow the same detrimental path.
Like all of us, George W. Bush and John Kerry have skeletons in their closet. But unlike ours, their skeletons have the power to undermine the sovereignty of a nation.
Don't let it undermine ours.
I'm not upset or annoyed about Bush's 4 year continuation of presidency. Or at least, I don't think it will make one ounce of difference that it's him and not Kerry. The world is going to hell in a handbasket anyway, what's the sense in worrying about it. Just get on with your day to day lives because there's nothing we can do. I will not waste my precious time worrying about it.
Bush and Kerry are both two sides of the same coin. They are both members of an elite secret society known as the Order of Skull and Bones, stemming back from their days at Yale. There are less than 1000 "Bonesmen", and they are made up of the most powerful men in the world, with the ability to influence and manipulate world affairs. Here is a quote.
"Since both Bush and Kerry, as sworn Bonesmen, are privy to its rituals, inner workings, and secret objective, it would seem to make little difference in both domestic and foreign policies of the United States which man wins the November 2004 election. This gives us little choice.
Bonesmen believe that the United States should be the first among the "equals" in the New World order. To achieve this, the Order believes in "constructive chaos." And what is constructive chaos? It is simply keeping true intentions secret by constantly sending out mixed signals on all critical policy issues, and keeping sacrosanct their self-created vision of New World warriors. Both Bush and Kerry appear to be victims of this self-aggrandized thinking.
This pretentious elitism and dangerous arrogance is rare in most men. But it is all the more troubling when found in two men who are both vying for the most powerful leadership position in the world
Bonesmen are mostly born to privilege, bred on visions of intellectual superiority, educated in worldly matters, and trained to give orders, not take them. It follows, then, that these men should be the epitome of nationalistic pride. Unless, of course, they have other ideas. Such as keeping their actions secret, using power to achieve ulterior ends, and putting the Skull and Bones oath above allegiance to their country.
And most disturbing of all, the sole purpose of the Skull and Bones Order is to perpetuate power. To maintain and increase this power, politically ambitious Bonesmen strive to put fellow Bonesmen in key positions of influence, to help build the New World organization that is their primary goal.
Recent actions and decisions of President Bush, if carefully scrutinized, tend to bear this out. And there is little reason to believe that John Kerry, as president, would not follow the same detrimental path.
Like all of us, George W. Bush and John Kerry have skeletons in their closet. But unlike ours, their skeletons have the power to undermine the sovereignty of a nation.
Don't let it undermine ours.
I'm not upset or annoyed about Bush's 4 year continuation of presidency. Or at least, I don't think it will make one ounce of difference that it's him and not Kerry. The world is going to hell in a handbasket anyway, what's the sense in worrying about it. Just get on with your day to day lives because there's nothing we can do. I will not waste my precious time worrying about it.

god its refreshing to hear a rational opinion about the election. it annoys me that no one in this country votes third party. i think that is the biggest problem
the healing.. my head felt strange, and my back started to tingle, then itch, and wouldn't stop. i slept like a motherfucking baby. when i woke up i forgot to take my pain killers.. so something worked. you rock
the girl.. she wasn't bloody in today! just my luck. i even had the chance to call her (we were short-staffed) but the phones weren't working (my manager unplugged them the previous night, so they messed up), bah, this is sooo my luck.
and it would be an honour for you and i to be backups.
you take care missy
*p.s. read the Bible Code 2. it foretells us of warnings about dubya himself!