It's Monday morning and I feel worse than I did yesterday. It's the worstest thing when you feel like crap and try to have an early night only to lay there for like 3 hours wide awake and woke up feeling 10 times shitter.
It was a good weekend though. I went out up in town on Thursday night for my girl Jo's birthday. We went to the Crobar for some drinks, and it was so smoky my eyes were almost bleeding they were so red! But the Crobar is always fun, and I saw two girls I haven't seen in ages, as well as bumping into one of my O.G myspace friends, who I've never actually met before
So that was cool. Then we went to Metro, which was, in a word, crap. I saw some of the London crew in Crobar, who were going to the Borderline, as usual. Despite my repeatedly telling Jo Id heard Metros was shit, we still went, and surprise surprise, it was wack. And I dont mean wiggedy wack, just regular type.
So anyway, I had work the next day, and after driving back from London and arriving home at 2, 4 1/2 hours sleep is not enough for anyone, especially me. So I felt like crap, but made it through the day, sustained on Friday payday biscuits and Ritz crackers. I went to the staff bar and had 2 ciders and felt very tipsy before heading off to London to meet me friend Hannah. We ended up in the Crobar again, where I saw the boy I kissed last week, with his ahem girlfriend. Well you should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless. But then I felt bad because apparently his girlfriend is like dying of some awful liver problem, and she needs a transplant or something. But, everyone said I shouldnt feel bad, I mean I had no idea.still. Guilty is right.
So we went to Sin City, where I havent been in ayyyyyyyyges, and it was fun. I was so ridiculously drunk, Im sure I made a twat of myself. Never mind eh! I somehow ended up kissing this boy, who I thought was a wanker, because after I met him before, and sent him a message through Myspace, he completely ignored me, which I thought was hella rude. So, he kind of pulled me, then proceeded to avoid me/ignore the hell out of me all night. What a prick. I think it annoyed me more because I wasnt so bothered about trying to kiss him again, that to be treated like I was some nobody really pissed me off. I mean if I was being all clingy or something I could understand, but I wasnt. God it really irritated me. But I had fun all night showing people my party trick.Pregnancy Belly! For those of you who havent seen it, I can push out my belly, to make myself look 4 months pregnant, but it all disappears back inside me when I tighten my stomach muscles. Its crazy, and people were staring at me in disbelief. Always good for a laugh.
I stayed at Hannahs Grannys with her, in an amazingly retro house. All her appliances are straight out of the 50s, it was so cool. I got my new pink bandana and woke up super early and couldnt get back to sleep, and so I felt like crap in the morning. But it was OK because we made toast and had about 2 ounces of butter on each piece, which soaked up the excess alcohol nicely! (I never normally eat butter, only on a hangover!)
After missioning it home from North London (why does everyone have to live so far from me??) I baked Jo some vegan cookies as part of her birthday present, because her stretching crescent I bought her still hasnt arrived. Then I had to get ready and drive to Reading for her birthday outing, Part 2. It was OK, but I wasnt drinking, and was completely knackered. I drove home, collapsed in bed and woke up on Sunday feeling worse than ever. The col Im getting has been creeping up a bit more every day. After so much overtiredness, alcohol and recent stress it all got a bit too much for me. Talking to Ciel and partiallyblind on msn, I burst into tears (though they dont know this, because I didnt own up!) when talking about the shitness of boys and how crap it makes me feel. After discussing with them about kissing young boys with dying girlfriends, then boys who just want to kiss me as part of a male ego thingpartially blind reckons he did it to kind of prove he could get me if he wanted to, but then behave like a twat to me, for the hell of it.
So, feeling drained mentally, physically and emotionally, I cleaned my flat, which made me feel better, I made some more amazing soup and went to bed before 10. Only to be still trying to sleep at 12.30. Great.
Its Monday, I feel like crap. I had a good weekend though all in all and Im sure I wouldnt be feeling so down if Id got some more sleep. Bring on the echinacea, vitamin C and sleep and hopefully a more cheerful Fleur will arrive later this week.
Much love to you all.
P.S I dyed my hair black again, and Im loving it. Even though I walked past a small pikey child yesterday on my way to Sainsburys and he shouted "OI! You look stupid!"
I really didnt care! What do ya reckon?

It was a good weekend though. I went out up in town on Thursday night for my girl Jo's birthday. We went to the Crobar for some drinks, and it was so smoky my eyes were almost bleeding they were so red! But the Crobar is always fun, and I saw two girls I haven't seen in ages, as well as bumping into one of my O.G myspace friends, who I've never actually met before

So that was cool. Then we went to Metro, which was, in a word, crap. I saw some of the London crew in Crobar, who were going to the Borderline, as usual. Despite my repeatedly telling Jo Id heard Metros was shit, we still went, and surprise surprise, it was wack. And I dont mean wiggedy wack, just regular type.

So anyway, I had work the next day, and after driving back from London and arriving home at 2, 4 1/2 hours sleep is not enough for anyone, especially me. So I felt like crap, but made it through the day, sustained on Friday payday biscuits and Ritz crackers. I went to the staff bar and had 2 ciders and felt very tipsy before heading off to London to meet me friend Hannah. We ended up in the Crobar again, where I saw the boy I kissed last week, with his ahem girlfriend. Well you should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless. But then I felt bad because apparently his girlfriend is like dying of some awful liver problem, and she needs a transplant or something. But, everyone said I shouldnt feel bad, I mean I had no idea.still. Guilty is right.
So we went to Sin City, where I havent been in ayyyyyyyyges, and it was fun. I was so ridiculously drunk, Im sure I made a twat of myself. Never mind eh! I somehow ended up kissing this boy, who I thought was a wanker, because after I met him before, and sent him a message through Myspace, he completely ignored me, which I thought was hella rude. So, he kind of pulled me, then proceeded to avoid me/ignore the hell out of me all night. What a prick. I think it annoyed me more because I wasnt so bothered about trying to kiss him again, that to be treated like I was some nobody really pissed me off. I mean if I was being all clingy or something I could understand, but I wasnt. God it really irritated me. But I had fun all night showing people my party trick.Pregnancy Belly! For those of you who havent seen it, I can push out my belly, to make myself look 4 months pregnant, but it all disappears back inside me when I tighten my stomach muscles. Its crazy, and people were staring at me in disbelief. Always good for a laugh.
I stayed at Hannahs Grannys with her, in an amazingly retro house. All her appliances are straight out of the 50s, it was so cool. I got my new pink bandana and woke up super early and couldnt get back to sleep, and so I felt like crap in the morning. But it was OK because we made toast and had about 2 ounces of butter on each piece, which soaked up the excess alcohol nicely! (I never normally eat butter, only on a hangover!)
After missioning it home from North London (why does everyone have to live so far from me??) I baked Jo some vegan cookies as part of her birthday present, because her stretching crescent I bought her still hasnt arrived. Then I had to get ready and drive to Reading for her birthday outing, Part 2. It was OK, but I wasnt drinking, and was completely knackered. I drove home, collapsed in bed and woke up on Sunday feeling worse than ever. The col Im getting has been creeping up a bit more every day. After so much overtiredness, alcohol and recent stress it all got a bit too much for me. Talking to Ciel and partiallyblind on msn, I burst into tears (though they dont know this, because I didnt own up!) when talking about the shitness of boys and how crap it makes me feel. After discussing with them about kissing young boys with dying girlfriends, then boys who just want to kiss me as part of a male ego thingpartially blind reckons he did it to kind of prove he could get me if he wanted to, but then behave like a twat to me, for the hell of it.
So, feeling drained mentally, physically and emotionally, I cleaned my flat, which made me feel better, I made some more amazing soup and went to bed before 10. Only to be still trying to sleep at 12.30. Great.
Its Monday, I feel like crap. I had a good weekend though all in all and Im sure I wouldnt be feeling so down if Id got some more sleep. Bring on the echinacea, vitamin C and sleep and hopefully a more cheerful Fleur will arrive later this week.
Much love to you all.
P.S I dyed my hair black again, and Im loving it. Even though I walked past a small pikey child yesterday on my way to Sainsburys and he shouted "OI! You look stupid!"
I really didnt care! What do ya reckon?

In Texas if you ask for hot tea they look at you crazy. they only drink iced tea.
Adult Swim is a program where they play like, family guy and home movies and aqua teen hunger force every sunday. i love it.
i like the new hair, btw.
if i were drunk and i saw you i would totally go up and make an ass out of myself at you.
Hope no freaks tried it on but if you liked all the emo kids then i hope they did try it on.
Did anything happen later on? things looked a little dodgy at one point just before i left.