Weekend's nearly here! Yeeeaaay! Not that I have any money. I was supposed to be going to see the amazing Anchorman tonight, but seeing as I have a grand total of 8.60 in my bank account, and payday isn't till Wednesday, I think it's a bit silly to spend 6.50 on a film I've already seen. I also want to see Dodgeball, and Supersize Me. But maybe next week I'll venture out to the cinema on my own, to see one of these. I love going to the cinema on my own, and I haven't done it in aaaages. So, yeah. Tonight I'm gonna go see Ciel to help her cut off her dreads. I warned her, I told her, I said over and over "You will regret getting those done", but did she listen?? Hehe, girl I hate to say "I told you so" but I did warn you! It's a shame she got them all perm dreaded, cos she's had them for such a short time we could have undone them and saved some of that lovely long hair, but never mind. So that's that. No idea what else I'm gonna do, my choices are severely limited.
Well and now I am extremely pissed off. Fucking bank. I rang them up earlier and had to piss about putting in my security number and all that bollocks. Then when I tried to log on internet banking and put in my details it didn't work. I know my own fucking security numer! But no. I managed to block my internet banking. So I ring up and try to get it sorted. He need to know my card number, of a card I cut up about a year ago. I don't use that account. The balance in 0.00. The fucking man sounded like he was in a call centre in India, couldn't understand a fucking word he said. How can I give him the card numer of a card I cut up? So now I can't pay my fucking credit card.
I want to dish out some serious arse kicking!
Who's up for a beating. Bring the motherfucking ruckus
Well and now I am extremely pissed off. Fucking bank. I rang them up earlier and had to piss about putting in my security number and all that bollocks. Then when I tried to log on internet banking and put in my details it didn't work. I know my own fucking security numer! But no. I managed to block my internet banking. So I ring up and try to get it sorted. He need to know my card number, of a card I cut up about a year ago. I don't use that account. The balance in 0.00. The fucking man sounded like he was in a call centre in India, couldn't understand a fucking word he said. How can I give him the card numer of a card I cut up? So now I can't pay my fucking credit card.

I want to dish out some serious arse kicking!

Who's up for a beating. Bring the motherfucking ruckus

Actually, I have a ton. But it's all accounted for already. At least all the bills will be paid for the month.