Well I'm feeling sort of smug today, because last night as I was walking home, my usual way that takes me past various groups of local chavs (not the hardcore of chavness, more of a suburban, diluted variety, but chavs nonetheless) and passed a group of about 4 girls ranging from 10 to about 14. The boys usually just shout stuff like "alright darling" or "get your baps out" in their ridiculously hghpitched voices, and the girls usually just stare, but these ones shouted "excuse me". My heart kind of sank as I turned round but they just said "we were wondering, are you a model?" I just mumbeld something about being a hair model, not body or anything, and they went "oh cool, we said you were a model, and your hair is well nice" or something and I smiled the rest of the way home! Thats the best thing that's happened to me recently, I haven't been feeling so confident or anything, and it really cheered me up! Hooray for mini chavettes!