awwwww the siamese purr is adorable!!!!!
yeah mine may look gorgeous but they are mental!!!!
we do breed them, all but 1 were queens but now only 2 of them and we're having probs with them taking at the mo. as long as they are healthy i dont mind....but ittens are gorgeous.
both our queens are tonks. i do love the orientals, they have such personalities
tonks are the nuttiest cats ive daring as the burmese and as chatty as the siamese
they retired themselves through one way and another. we're very unlucky with our queens but we have had about 10 litters out of the 6 girlies.
one of the girls is calling now but our stud(always makes me laugh) is ill and when my mum did the dates it worked out that they would have been born on boxing day.......... not a good plan iwhen they get preggers i'll take some piccies for you
i was so lucky to get my tattoo from jo, i was the last person she took on before she closed her lucky!!! just gone her waiting list for my other idea how long that may be tho
yeah mine may look gorgeous but they are mental!!!!
we do breed them, all but 1 were queens but now only 2 of them and we're having probs with them taking at the mo.
both our queens are tonks. i do love the orientals, they have such personalities
tonks are the nuttiest cats ive daring as the burmese and as chatty as the siamese
one of the girls is calling now but our stud(always makes me laugh) is ill
i was so lucky to get my tattoo from jo, i was the last person she took on before she closed her lucky!!! just gone her waiting list for my other idea how long that may be tho