so, whomever you are that renewwed my account- thanks. Drop me a line
Just had to it on 29Feb... Won't get a chance for another 4 years
Yes, 2006 is dead and over with....
Hopefully 07 will be soooooo much better
Hopefully 07 will be soooooo much better
Good ol' 2006 is at it again....... I ain't updating anymore until I get some good news to update with

Hi!!! how in the hell ahve you been I havent heard form you in forever!!
I got divorced.......and Im back with Alan untill something drastic happens
2006 sucks big fat hairy asses so far:
Jan- Aunt had stroke- it fucked her up so bad she only has 6-12 months to live
Feb- Father had massive heart attack- he's ok now after 3 stints put in
-Club Brother and his lady from my chapter- Almost killed by some idiot near dead pulling out in front of them with out looking- They're still...
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Jan- Aunt had stroke- it fucked her up so bad she only has 6-12 months to live
Feb- Father had massive heart attack- he's ok now after 3 stints put in
-Club Brother and his lady from my chapter- Almost killed by some idiot near dead pulling out in front of them with out looking- They're still...
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dude im trying to im but i cant...WTF
sucks to hear things aren't getting any better....
so glad to hear you didn't crash your bike!!!
at least it all has to get better from here! it has to!!!

at least it all has to get better from here! it has to!!!

Fuck, what a fucking weekend I've had
My Dad had a massive heartattack- almost lost him, but he's home already and doing good. It's a scarey thing watching your Daddy having a heart attack right in front of you at an ER- I haven't cried in decades, I had tears flowing after seeing that. I felt like shit having to make "the calls" to our...
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My Dad had a massive heartattack- almost lost him, but he's home already and doing good. It's a scarey thing watching your Daddy having a heart attack right in front of you at an ER- I haven't cried in decades, I had tears flowing after seeing that. I felt like shit having to make "the calls" to our...
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I am so sorry to hear about your dad! ... but soo glad he is ok! that must be terrible to see, i couldn't even imagine what they would feel like!!
hope things are getting better for you!!

hope things are getting better for you!!

I am too poor. The trip last weekend was a fluke. Had gotten an unexpected bonus at work.
If you see sick_girl, tell her I say Hi.
If you see sick_girl, tell her I say Hi.
not much to talk about...I'll update when something big happens
I think yesterday I had the best ride on my harley so far. I went to my Dad's for turkey day and in the process drove through Orlando west on the 408. I had the whole toll road to myself, I only saw like 20 cars the whole 15 or so miles of Orlando, and 5 of them were COPS ...and this is at 830-900...
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I'm leaving the site as of today. Things got out of hand and were my fault I guess. I really can't remember anything, tell everyone I'm sorry. I just wish I could remeber more. Was nice meeting you though.
merry x-mas

First off, let me say thanx to you folks that wished me a happy B-day.
As for me, I'm OK, but all this rain we've been having has now flooded my house to a depth of 8" all the way around it. The water has gone down from 12" yesterday morning and didn't come in the house but, my septic is now full of the...
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As for me, I'm OK, but all this rain we've been having has now flooded my house to a depth of 8" all the way around it. The water has gone down from 12" yesterday morning and didn't come in the house but, my septic is now full of the...
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Wow. Sorry to hear about that shit, man.
I find it interesting how, while everyone in the south coast has been getting Hurricaned out, Fayetteville (typically the soggiest city I've ever lived in) has been nothing but sunshine and clear days.
It's bizarre.
I find it interesting how, while everyone in the south coast has been getting Hurricaned out, Fayetteville (typically the soggiest city I've ever lived in) has been nothing but sunshine and clear days.
It's bizarre.
update...umm I'm alive.... ok, not to much to talk about right now....
Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday.