Buster is driving me effing crazy. he keeps pulling up the cover of my pool table. Problem is it's an antique pool table, not mine, and if any scratches show up on the table, I have to get it refinished. Those are only problems because I don't want to have to pay for it, and I'd rather avoid the situation if I could...
Been having weird dreams all this week. And next monday I'm going down to Texas to see my sister, brother in law, and my nephew. First time I'll ever have been in Texas, and seen the nephew. So...yeah. There's some excitement on that front. Plus I get to be in a house with 3 cats and a Rotty. That's a better exchange than my house with 2 cats and a neurotic mess of a German Shepard.
Been having weird dreams all this week. And next monday I'm going down to Texas to see my sister, brother in law, and my nephew. First time I'll ever have been in Texas, and seen the nephew. So...yeah. There's some excitement on that front. Plus I get to be in a house with 3 cats and a Rotty. That's a better exchange than my house with 2 cats and a neurotic mess of a German Shepard.

Hahaha! You are having problems with two cats, so now you are upgrading to three?
And you get to see a Rotti! That is awesome! They are my favorite breed of dogs. They are sooo huge and cuddly and perdy! Awww. I am jealous! I haven't seen a Rotti in forever.
And what are your scrabble playing friends? Doctors?
And have fun in Texas!!! I hope you have a great time with your family! Sounds like a lot of fun!
I just realized I typed waaayyy to many ands in that post!
Haha! Your plan to get them to stop is way easier and I must say better than mine! Hhaa! You are lucky that your cats are just scratching on one table, my cat was all over the fricken place! LoL.
And I think that I am starting to feel a bit better today, still have a cold, but I think it is getting worn down!
Well, have fun with your family! Woo! You are so lucky! I can't wait to see my family again!!!