Hung out with my friend from Kohl's last night. Got my book back from her, last time I'm going to be seeing her for a while. She's leaving Kohl's and found a job MUCH closer to her house. (so now she doesn't have to drive 70 miles a day to a shitty job with too much aggravation while getting paid barely above minimum wage. Now she's going to be working at a day care center for a few months until she goes back to school to get a teaching certificate.
At least she got out of that hell hole. lol. (much to my urging and her sister's nagging)
lol...I passed my inspection for the DWV system in my plumbing class. my teacher said it was weird, but he couldn't find anything wrong with my venting or drainage lines, everything was up to code, and looked a helluva lot neater than my neighbor's project. lol.
At least she got out of that hell hole. lol. (much to my urging and her sister's nagging)
lol...I passed my inspection for the DWV system in my plumbing class. my teacher said it was weird, but he couldn't find anything wrong with my venting or drainage lines, everything was up to code, and looked a helluva lot neater than my neighbor's project. lol.

And thanks for the congrats!!! I am super excited to say bye bye to them! Hhaha! Junior High Students think that they are such hot shit sometimes... LoL. And a copper pony made from a pipe? That is pretty impressive!!
YAY! Congrats to you on passing too!