THIS IS BULLSHIT I HATE THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN .... or at least the bible thumpers in it. Check this bullshit out.
What kind of ignorant pieces of shit are these ppl I've heard of this so called church before, you might know them by their website ...... I cannot even really put into words how angry I am but these ppl are going to be protesting and picketing at this man's funeral all because he starred in the movie Brokeback Mountain. Me and my friend Emily have already sent them a piece of ours minds and I think everyone else should as well. This is just wrong, this man was a VERY talented young actor that had a big career and life with his 2 year old daughter ahead of him, he DOES NOT deserve to be treated with such disrespect.
Please if you too feel the same way, repost this tell all your friends to contact this so called church of "God" and let them know how you feel. The website is
We have to stop this hate, we have to stop this ignorance!!!!
What kind of ignorant pieces of shit are these ppl I've heard of this so called church before, you might know them by their website ...... I cannot even really put into words how angry I am but these ppl are going to be protesting and picketing at this man's funeral all because he starred in the movie Brokeback Mountain. Me and my friend Emily have already sent them a piece of ours minds and I think everyone else should as well. This is just wrong, this man was a VERY talented young actor that had a big career and life with his 2 year old daughter ahead of him, he DOES NOT deserve to be treated with such disrespect.
Please if you too feel the same way, repost this tell all your friends to contact this so called church of "God" and let them know how you feel. The website is
We have to stop this hate, we have to stop this ignorance!!!!