Sittin on the back porch with a Guinness Extra Stout and the hound and listening to Deadbolt. I really need to learn to relax more often.
Tomorrow I'm going to start working on the flathead. Hopefully the problem will turn out to just be a blown head gasket due to warped heads. That can be fixed with a quick trip to the machine shop.
I'm still not sure what to do with the rat rod when I'm done. I have big fun plans for it, but like the sign in Road Warrior says "Speed is only a matter of money. How fast do you want to go?"
I could just sell it and get a cool old bike. I miss not having a motorcycle. Or, I could go racing again. I haven't hurt myself badly enough to make my mother cry in a long time. Actually, the only time I hospitalized myself racing, my mom was totally unsympathetic. She literally chastised me for getting blood and dirt all over the paper sheet on the exam table. She's not as cold hearted like it sounds. I intentionally covered my broken wrist with ice packs, and pillows so that she couldn't see that my hand was coming off the side of my arm.
On a related topic, that same hand has been numb for over two weeks now. I'm not sure if I aggravated the old injury or if I just pinched a nerve or something in my shoulder lifting weights. I've stopped working out, but it hasn't gotten any better. I'm shrinking, but oh well; like I was ever gonna be buff and the betties were ever gonna want me any way. Maybe I'll go to the doctor and have it looked at.
Tomorrow I'm going to start working on the flathead. Hopefully the problem will turn out to just be a blown head gasket due to warped heads. That can be fixed with a quick trip to the machine shop.
I'm still not sure what to do with the rat rod when I'm done. I have big fun plans for it, but like the sign in Road Warrior says "Speed is only a matter of money. How fast do you want to go?"
I could just sell it and get a cool old bike. I miss not having a motorcycle. Or, I could go racing again. I haven't hurt myself badly enough to make my mother cry in a long time. Actually, the only time I hospitalized myself racing, my mom was totally unsympathetic. She literally chastised me for getting blood and dirt all over the paper sheet on the exam table. She's not as cold hearted like it sounds. I intentionally covered my broken wrist with ice packs, and pillows so that she couldn't see that my hand was coming off the side of my arm.
On a related topic, that same hand has been numb for over two weeks now. I'm not sure if I aggravated the old injury or if I just pinched a nerve or something in my shoulder lifting weights. I've stopped working out, but it hasn't gotten any better. I'm shrinking, but oh well; like I was ever gonna be buff and the betties were ever gonna want me any way. Maybe I'll go to the doctor and have it looked at.
sounds kinda like me the first time i try anything new. always a disaster.
2: speaking of roller derby ... you going this Sunday?
3: luckily, my parents live about 5 minutes away, so i can always go home for home cookin. although, philippino home cookin' is not usually desirable ...
4: you don't go to bed before 5AM??? ohhh ... sign me up for that!
5: no ... i'm not the boss. but for all intents and purposes, i can tell them what to do, i think ... they've mellowed out a little ... they made root beer floats yesterday. i had two. mmmmmmmmmmmm.
6: i think the drive-thru wedding is really the best way to go ... except, goshdarnit, i want a karmic return on all of the wedding gifts i've ever had to buy!
7: what stupid people do you have to deal with all day? doesn't sound too bad if you get to sleep until 11! yes ... books are great ...
sounds kinda like me the first time i try anything new. always a disaster.
2: speaking of roller derby ... you going this Sunday?
3: luckily, my parents live about 5 minutes away, so i can always go home for home cookin. although, philippino home cookin' is not usually desirable ...
4: you don't go to bed before 5AM??? ohhh ... sign me up for that!
5: no ... i'm not the boss. but for all intents and purposes, i can tell them what to do, i think ... they've mellowed out a little ... they made root beer floats yesterday. i had two. mmmmmmmmmmmm.
6: i think the drive-thru wedding is really the best way to go ... except, goshdarnit, i want a karmic return on all of the wedding gifts i've ever had to buy!
7: what stupid people do you have to deal with all day? doesn't sound too bad if you get to sleep until 11! yes ... books are great ...