With the exception of one incident, this past week has been one of the most disappointing ones I can recall . After the hot rod show, all the cars were driving up and down South Congress in front of the Continental Club. Every now and then one would stop and do a burn out. One truck did a particularly big one that nearly made his truck and the little car that happened to be behind him (not part of the show) disappear in the smoke. For reasons I'm sure I'll never understand, this panicked a woman in the passenger seat of the car so much that she bailed out of the car, spilling her purse in the road as she scrambled for the perceived safety of the sidewalk. The crowd standing there absolutely roared with laughter. The woman gathered up her things, getting back in her car with a traumatized look on her face and said something about what horrible people we all were.
I know it's mean, but it is probably literally the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Every other detail of the last week has been a long series of disappointments.
I know it's mean, but it is probably literally the funniest thing I've ever seen.