Here's another look into the subconscious of a Punk Rock Cop: Last night I dreamed that I was on the planet of the apes. They were chasing me, and I jumped into a river to hide. I was holding my breath under an underwater ledge and I was going to hold my breath until they thought I must be dead or not there any more. (In real life, I can hold my breath for over two minutes and swim 150 feet on s single breath. It's a dive team thing I have to practice. ) Then I was going to jump out, surprise them and attack. One gorilla was jabbing a spear into the watter, so I grabbed the spear and was about to jump out and charge them. I don't know if I woke up or what, but I can't remember what happened after that. What's even more disturbing as this dream is that when I woke up, I had this sense that I'd also had an even more bizarre dream after this one, but I couldn't remember what it was about.
Back in the real world...My first real high school girlfriend, the girl I first got to second base with. is coming to Austin to see me and some other friends of hers in town this weekend. I haven't seen here since our 10 year reunion about 5 years ago. We're very different now. She's now Catholic. I'm still as adamant of an atheist/agnostic as I was when I got in trouble for giving a speech on "How I know there is no God, Tooth Fairy or Loc Ness Monster" in high school. She's engaged to an architect. I'm not, but I once turned down an invitation from one of Joey Ramone's exes to move to NY with her. She's got fake boobs. (I've always preferred the small ones on a thin girl) I've got many tattoos. She was one of the victims of the Enron disaster. I've watched more people die than she's watched movies. I remember the days when I was a skinny little center fielder/drama geek- when we had our first kiss at a speech tournament.
She's bringing her new Great Dane puppy to meet my Neapolitan Mastiff. Maybe we aren't so different after all. My romantic relationships always seem to crash burn, explode, implode, disintegrate, catch the plague, and then get swept away in a flash flood while dying of dehydration, but the friendships that follow will outlast the cockroaches.
Back in the real world...My first real high school girlfriend, the girl I first got to second base with. is coming to Austin to see me and some other friends of hers in town this weekend. I haven't seen here since our 10 year reunion about 5 years ago. We're very different now. She's now Catholic. I'm still as adamant of an atheist/agnostic as I was when I got in trouble for giving a speech on "How I know there is no God, Tooth Fairy or Loc Ness Monster" in high school. She's engaged to an architect. I'm not, but I once turned down an invitation from one of Joey Ramone's exes to move to NY with her. She's got fake boobs. (I've always preferred the small ones on a thin girl) I've got many tattoos. She was one of the victims of the Enron disaster. I've watched more people die than she's watched movies. I remember the days when I was a skinny little center fielder/drama geek- when we had our first kiss at a speech tournament.
She's bringing her new Great Dane puppy to meet my Neapolitan Mastiff. Maybe we aren't so different after all. My romantic relationships always seem to crash burn, explode, implode, disintegrate, catch the plague, and then get swept away in a flash flood while dying of dehydration, but the friendships that follow will outlast the cockroaches.
I had a dream last night that I was a spy and my connection was showing me photos of my next subjects to investigate. One of them was Justin Timberlake. I said "Wait, I know that guy. We call him Tams." The other agent says "You know Justin Timberlake?" I say, "Well, yeah. I know Tams." In reality I know a guy named Justin Tams that I met four years ago at a coffee shop in Nashville and he asked to be added to my mailing list for milk memo. I haven't seen him in person since and I have no memory of what he looks like. SG really should employ a dream interpreter.
I love running into old friends. It's the best way to remind me how far I've come. It keeps ya' honest, y'know?