A very nice and beautiful hopeful just had her first set go into MR. She is a very unique girl that broke the status quo in a different way. It has become the norm for all girl on this website to show off their goods. When a girl doesn't we see guys say something about it and I feel that is wrong. Cherokee came in and was able to look past all the people trying to tell her she needs to show off her goods. She kept the mystery and when her first set came out I believe her gamble paid off. Many people including myself had to see what this mystery was all about. It was driving me crazy but I also respected her for doing it how she did it. @milloux has done another great set. I love how she focuses on the water one minute keeping @cherokee unfocused in the background and the next show it is the exact opposite. So please go give this girl some love and I think SG could only be benefitted by someone that thinks like this girl does.