So the wife and I and a few friends of hers all went on a trip to Venice to Carnavale and it was pretty fun there. However we did spend a couple hours soaked because it was like a monsoon there. We saw some cool costumes but it was too cold and rainy to see the full fledge of what happens at Carnavale. We all had a decent time though and can look back and laugh off the whole getting soaked thing. We went on the bus for another hour (still soaked) to Verona where we had hotel rooms and we all were so tired and exhausted all of us just went to our rooms spent about an hour blow drying our shoes and pants dry (I will never make fun of my wife for bringing her blow dryer even if it is an over night trip again) then racked out. Venice was an experience, lucky for us it was the time of the year where it doesnt smell bad because of the cool weather but was still dirty. I got a cool mask as well as my wife and got some other trinkets. I ate the most amazing Spaghetti with muscles and clams, it has ruined all Spaghetti for the rest of my life and I am not kidding one bit. Even the pasta I had in Verona did not compare to the awesomeness of this pasta in Venice. For all my pictures I created an album but I will upload a few pictures on this blog. Oh and did I mention we all got soaked, you can see how wet I got (that was about 2 hours into the 7 hour trip) in the first picture
We did get to stand on the famous Venice bridge of sighs. No idea why it was famous but that is what our friend Anne said lol, and it was packed full of people so she must have been telling the truth lol.
So after Venice we traveled to Verona, I did not think I would have a great time there as it is the city of love and place of the story of Romeo and Juliet. It was actually very interesting and fun. Little did I know that there was an Arena there where Gladiators would fight for the crowds and that was legit.
So we got the story of Romeo and Juliet (a story I already knew) but there was more I did not know. I had always thought that the story was just a made up love story but there is evidence that maybe it was a true story. No one really knows but there is enough to believe a similar situation happened in Verona. there was documented proof that in the building where Juliet's balcony was there lived a privileged family and their daughter had fallen in love with someone who was in a family that was enemies.
What I did not know about the story from Shakespeare was that the story already existed, he took the story of Romeo and Juliet from the writers in Verona (which he never visited the city himself) and put the whole huge romantic spin on it. the story of Romeo and Juliet was already known by the people of Verona but Shakespeare made them famous for it.
To end this blog, I guess I will close it with a picture from the church on top of the hill that looks out over all over Verona the city of love. If you have an questions about the trip you can ask and if I know the answer I will give it to you or if you just want more details message me and I will give you the whole scoop.