Well it happened again only this time I got an LoC (Letter of Counseling) not good. Basically it makes me out to be the biggest dirt bag NCO ever. Says things like lack of respect, there was only one time I raised my voice at another instructor and that was to inform him of how sick my wife was and that my dog was dying after he said what I consider a cheap shot, "Well if you don't want to be a team player". I felt justified in how I handled the situation and the boss (Who basically wrote this LOC never asked for my side of the story). Also apparently I constantly fuck up my work and it makes everyone else waste hours fixing my mistake.... WTF I have stayed after work to complete jobs and help others with theirs, I have also made sure to stay after work and complete projects so when I go on leave no one has to do it for me. This LOC is basically a Bullshit personal Attack which is not authorized. He does not state certain incidences just a general "Shit bag".
The first part of the LOC states that I did not know my job and quotes me saying "I did not read that far into the regs", yes that was said but it was taken out of context. My boss read off regs (they werent real regs, just some he made up) so I told him that I did not read those passages and had not gotten that far apparently. Well after extensive research by not only myself but two other people, there is no reg that exists like the two he read off. So what I said is basically null in void. The reg does not say "MANDATORY" at all and says SHOULD so it leaves room for interpretation by the reader. According to my boss it does say MANDATORY and the fact I did not know that means I did not read my reg, BS. The next reg he rattled off says that there are repercussions for anyone who does not attend the meeting. Again there is no such reg that comes close to stating that at all, so why am I getting an LOC for doing exactly what the reg says? because I did not do the the way the boss likes, B fucking S.
Rant over... I will be writing a rebuttal and requesting a meeting with the first sergeant for this shit.