Hey guys!
I'm sorry, I'm not super active recently. I live some problems at work and I need to focus on myself and find something that make me really happy. I think about looking for a new job but I'm not sure yet.. It's tough 'cause I've been there for 4 years now and I don't know what I want to do for living. I love what I'm doing, actually I'm the manager of a skate shop. It's pretty cool, but so stressful at the same time.. I don't know if the retail is where I want to be right now. I think that my mental healt is more important than anything. So I take a step back to look at my life and I realize that I need a hobby to change my mind.
I think a found one. I start doing crochet. It's super relaxing and it's helping me with my stress.
Anyway, I am going to try to be more active, I really love this community and SG is a great place to ask for advice and support.
Good night!